La Mesa Juneteenth is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and equitable community in La Mesa, where education is valued, diversity is celebrated, and positive change is achieved. Through vibrant events, educational initiatives, and collaborative efforts, La Mesa Juneteenth strives to empower individuals, bridge societal gaps, and promote social progress. Our vision is to create a compassionate society that embraces unity, dialogue, and diversity, while providing equal opportunities for education and growth to all community members.

La Mesa Juneteenth is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity founded in 2022.

La Mesa Juneteeth foundation



News *


  • FORT WORTH, Texas (June 14, 2024) — Opal Lee, the 97-year-old Texan known for her push to make Juneteenth a national holiday, was given the keys Friday to her new home, which was built on the same tree-lined corner lot in Fort Worth that her family was driven from by a racist mob when she was 12.
    “I’m so happy I don’t know what to do,” said Lee, sitting in a rocking chair on the porch of the home just before the ceremony.
    The ceremony to welcome Lee into the newly completed home comes just days before the nation celebrates Juneteenth, the holiday marking the end of slavery across the U.S. that means so much to Lee. Several area groups came together to build and furnish the house, which was completed less than three months after the first wall was raised.
    Lee said she plans to hold an open house so she can meet her new neighbors.
    “Everybody will know that this is going to be a happy place,” she said.
    This June 19 — Juneteenth — will be the 85th anniversary of the day a mob, angered that a Black family had moved in, began gathering outside the home her parents had just bought. As the crowd grew, her parents sent her and her siblings to a friend’s house several blocks away and then eventually left themselves.
    Newspaper articles at the time said the mob that grew to about 500 people broke windows in the house and dragged furniture out into the street and smashed it. She has said her family didn’t return to the house and her parents never talked about what happened that day.

  • We believe in a financially free future! To foster that, we will be hosting local financial literacy education for eighth graders and their parents! Instilling financial health now, will better prepare our youth for a successful future and allow for successful communities. Subscribe to our newsletter for more information!

  • We are proud to be teaming up with Mission Federal Credit Union in our effort to education eighth graders and their parents on financial literacy. With Mission Federals tried and true ciricculum, students are guaranteed to leave with tangible tools to step into a financially victorious future. Mission Federal has pledged monetary incentives to parents involved and they will walk each pre-teen through the steps of opening and managing a debit and savings account! Subscribe to our emails to receive updates on this exciting program!

our vision

La Mesa Juneteenth envisions an inclusive and harmonious community in La Mesa, where education is valued and accessible to all. Through vibrant events, educational programs, and community partnerships, the organization strives to promote lifelong learning, cultural appreciation, and social progress. La Mesa Juneteenth aspires to bridge societal gaps, empower individuals, and foster a compassionate society that celebrates diversity, encourages dialogue, and achieves lasting positive change.

Martin Luther King Choir

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