La Mesa Juneteenth is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and equitable community in La Mesa, where education is valued, diversity is celebrated, and positive change is achieved. Through vibrant events, educational initiatives, and collaborative efforts, La Mesa Juneteenth strives to empower individuals, bridge societal gaps, and promote social progress. Our vision is to create a compassionate society that embraces unity, dialogue, and diversity, while providing equal opportunities for education and growth to all community members.

La Mesa Juneteenth is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity founded in 2022.

Bringing Life, Liberty, Education, and Celebration to La Mesa.

Supporting Our Mission!

Give to La Mesa Juneteenth to support our mission to promote lifelong learning, cultural appreciation, and social progress, fostering a compassionate society that celebrated diversity, encourages dialogue, and achieves lasting positive change through vibrant events, educational programs, and community partnerships.

The History

Directed by Lincoln, federal troops were sent to spread the word that enslaved black people were Americans under the law. 156 years ago on June 19, 1865 (2 years after the Emancipation Proclamation) they finally reached Texas and all Americans became free from slavery. Black Americans celebrated the date, also known as Emancipation Day, and the jubilee has continued to this day, which is now a recognized federal holiday.

Today the holiday is about the celebration of Black culture, history and life, bringing people together to honor all those who came before us and fought for the rights and privileges we hold today.